1:1 |
[和合] |
亚当生1塞特;塞特生以挪士 |
[和合+] |
亚当0121生塞特8352;塞特8352生以挪士0583; |
[当代] |
亚当生塞特;塞特生以挪士;以挪士生该南; |
[新译] |
亚当、塞特、以挪士、 |
[钦定] |
亚当,塞特,以挪士, |
[NIV] |
Adam, Seth, Enosh, |
[YLT] |
Adam, Sheth, Enosh, |
[KJV+] |
Adam0121, Sheth8352, Enosh0583, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:2 |
[和合] |
2以挪士生该南;该南生玛勒列;玛勒列生雅列 |
[和合+] |
以挪士0583生该南7018;该南7018生玛勒列4111;玛勒列4111生雅列3382; |
[当代] |
该南生玛勒列;玛勒列生雅列; |
[新译] |
该南、玛勒列、雅列、 |
[钦定] |
该南,玛勒列,雅列, |
[NIV] |
Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, |
[YLT] |
Kenan, Mahalaleel, Jered, |
[KJV+] |
Kenan7018, Mahalaleel4111, Jered3382, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:3 |
[和合] |
雅列生以诺;以诺生玛土撒拉;玛土撒拉生拉麦 |
[和合+] |
雅列3382生以诺2585;以诺2585生玛土撒拉4968;玛土撒拉4968生拉麦3929; |
[当代] |
雅列生以诺;以诺生玛土撒拉;玛土撒拉生拉麦; |
[新译] |
以诺、玛土撒拉、拉麦、 |
[钦定] |
以诺,玛土撒拉,拉麦, |
[NIV] |
Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah. |
[YLT] |
Henoch, Methuselah, Lamech, |
[KJV+] |
Henoch2585, Methuselah4968, Lamech3929, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:4 |
[和合] |
拉麦生挪亚;挪亚生3闪、含、雅弗 |
[和合+] |
拉麦3929生挪亚5146;挪亚5146生闪8035、含2526、雅弗3315。 |
[当代] |
拉麦生挪亚;挪亚生了三个儿子─闪、含、雅弗。 |
[新译] |
挪亚、挪亚生闪、含和雅弗。 |
[钦定] |
挪亚,闪、含和雅弗。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Noah: Shem, Ham and Japheth. The Japhethites |
[YLT] |
Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. |
[KJV+] |
Noah5146, Shem8035, Ham2526, and Japheth3315. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:5 |
[和合] |
4雅弗的儿子是歌篾、玛各、玛代、雅完、土巴、米设、提拉 |
[和合+] |
雅弗3315的儿子1121是歌篾1586、玛各4031、玛代4074、雅完3120、土巴8422、米设4902、提拉8494。 |
[当代] |
雅弗的后代有歌篾人、玛各人、玛代人、雅完人、土巴人、米设人、提拉人。 |
[新译] |
雅弗的儿子是歌篾、玛各、玛代、雅完、土巴、米设、提拉。 |
[钦定] |
雅弗的众子是歌篾、玛各、玛代、雅完、土巴、米设、提拉。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech and Tiras. |
[YLT] |
Sons of Japheth: Gomer and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. |
[KJV+] |
The sons1121 of Japheth3315; Gomer1586, and Magog4031, and Madai4074, and Javan3120, and Tubal8422, and Meshech4902, and Tiras8494. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:6 |
[和合] |
歌篾的儿子是亚实基拿、低法(“低法”创世记十章三节作“利法”)、陀迦玛 |
[和合+] |
歌篾1586的儿子1121是亚实基拿0813、低法7384(创十章叁节作利法)、陀迦玛8425。 |
[当代] |
歌篾的后代有亚实基拿人、利法人、陀迦玛人。 |
[新译] |
歌篾的儿子是亚实基拿、低法、陀迦玛。 |
[钦定] |
歌篾的众子是亚实基拿、利法、陀迦玛。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah. |
[YLT] |
And sons of Gomer: Ashchenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. |
[KJV+] |
And the sons1121 of Gomer1586; Ashchenaz0813, and Riphath7384, and Togarmah8425. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:7 |
[和合] |
雅完的儿子是以利沙、他施、基提、多单(“多单”有作“罗单”的)。 |
[和合+] |
雅完3120的儿子1121是以利沙0473、他施8659、基提3794、多单1721(有作罗单的)。 |
[当代] |
雅完的后代有以利沙人、他施人、基提人、罗德人。 |
[新译] |
雅完的儿子是以利沙、他施,基提人和多单人也是他的子孙。 |
[钦定] |
雅完的众子是以利沙、他施、基提、多单。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Javan: Elishah, Tarshish, the Kittim and the Rodanim. The Hamites |
[YLT] |
And sons of Javan: Elisha, and Tarshishah, Kittim, and Dodanim. |
[KJV+] |
And the sons1121 of Javan3120; Elishah0473, and Tarshish8659, Kittim3794, and Dodanim1721. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:8 |
[和合] |
5含的儿子是古实、麦西、弗、迦南 |
[和合+] |
含2526的儿子1121是古实3568、麦西4714、弗6316、迦南3667。 |
[当代] |
含的后代有古实人、埃及人、弗人、迦南人。 |
[新译] |
含的儿子是古实、埃及、弗和迦南。 |
[钦定] |
含的众子是古实、麦西、弗、迦南。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan. |
[YLT] |
Sons of Ham: Cush, and Mizraim, Put, and Canaan. |
[KJV+] |
The sons1121 of Ham2526; Cush3568, and Mizraim4714, Put6316, and Canaan3667. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:9 |
[和合] |
古实的儿子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉玛、撒弗提迦。拉玛的儿子是示巴、底但 |
[和合+] |
古实3568的儿子1121是西巴5434、哈腓拉2341、撒弗他5454、拉玛7484、撒弗提迦5455。拉玛7484的儿子1121是示巴7614、底但1719。 |
[当代] |
古实的后代有西巴人、哈腓拉人、撒弗他人、拉玛人、撒弗提迦人。拉玛的后代有示巴人、底但人。( |
[新译] |
古实的儿子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉玛和撒弗提迦。拉玛的儿子是示巴和底但。 |
[钦定] |
古实的众子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉玛、撒弗提迦。拉玛的众子是示巴、底但。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Cush: Seba, Havilah, Sabta, Raamah and Sabteca. The sons of Raamah: Sheba and Dedan. |
[YLT] |
And sons of Cush: Seba and Havilah, and Sabta, and Raamah, and Sabtecka. And sons of Raamah: Sheba and Dedan. |
[KJV+] |
And the sons1121 of Cush3568; Seba5434, and Havilah2341, and Sabta5454, and Raamah7484, and Sabtecha5455. And the sons1121 of Raamah7484; Sheba7614, and Dedan1719. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:10 |
[和合] |
古实生宁录;他为世上英雄之首。 |
[和合+] |
古实3568生3205宁录5248;他为2490世上0776英雄之首1368。 |
[当代] |
古实有一个儿子名叫宁录,是历史上第一个强人。) |
[新译] |
古实又生宁录;宁录是世上第一位英雄。 |
[钦定] |
古实生宁录,他就在地上开始强盛。 |
[NIV] |
Cush was the father of Nimrod, who grew to be a mighty warrior on earth. |
[YLT] |
And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the land. |
[KJV+] |
And Cush3568 begat3205 Nimrod5248: he began2490 to be mighty1368 upon the earth0776. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:11 |
[和合] |
6麦西生路低人、亚拿米人、利哈比人、拿弗土希人、 |
[和合+] |
麦西4714生3205路低人3866、亚拿米人6047、利哈比人3853、拿弗土希人5320、 |
[当代] |
埃及的后代有路低人、亚拿米人、利哈比人、拿弗土希人、 |
[新译] |
埃及生路低人、亚拿米人、利哈比人、拿弗土希人、 |
[钦定] |
麦西生路低人、亚拿米人、利哈比人、拿弗土希人、 |
[NIV] |
Mizraim was the father of the Ludites, Anamites, Lehabites, Naphtuhites, |
[YLT] |
And Mizraim begat the Ludim, and the Anamim, and the Lehabim, and the Naphtuhim, |
[KJV+] |
And Mizraim4714 begat3205 Ludim3866, and Anamim6047, and Lehabim3853, and Naphtuhim5320, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:12 |
[和合] |
帕斯鲁细人、迦斯路希人、迦斐托人;从迦斐托出来的有非利士人。 |
[和合+] |
帕斯鲁细人6625、迦斯路希人3695、迦斐託人3732;从迦斐託出来3318的有非利士人6430。 |
[当代] |
帕斯鲁细人、迦斯路希人、迦斐托人(非利士人是这一族的后代)。 |
[新译] |
帕斯鲁细人、迦斯路希人和迦斐托人;从迦斐托而出的有非利士人。 |
[钦定] |
帕斯鲁细人、迦斯路希人(从迦斯路希出来的有非利士人)、迦斐托人。 |
[NIV] |
Pathrusites, Casluhites (from whom the Philistines came) and Caphtorites. |
[YLT] |
and the Pathrusim, and the Casluhim (from whom came out the Philistim), and the Caphtorim. |
[KJV+] |
And Pathrusim6625, and Casluhim3695, (of whom came3318 the Philistines6430,) and Caphthorim3732. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:13 |
[和合] |
迦南生长子西顿、又生赫 |
[和合+] |
迦南3667生3205长子1060西顿6721,又生赫2845 |
[当代] |
迦南的后代有西顿人(西顿是长子)、赫人。 |
[新译] |
迦南生了长子西顿,又生赫。 |
[钦定] |
迦南生长子西顿,又生赫, |
[NIV] |
Canaan was the father of Sidon his firstborn, and of the Hittites, |
[YLT] |
And Canaan begat Zidon his first born, and Heth, |
[KJV+] |
And Canaan3667 begat3205 Zidon6721 his firstborn1060, and Heth2845, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:14 |
[和合] |
和耶布斯人、亚摩利人、革迦撒人、 |
[和合+] |
和耶布斯人2983、亚摩利人0567、革迦撒人1622、 |
[当代] |
迦南也是耶布斯人、亚摩利人、革迦撒人、 |
[新译] |
他的子孙还有:耶布斯人、亚摩利人、革迦撒人、 |
[钦定] |
和耶布斯人、亚摩利人、革迦撒人、 |
[NIV] |
Jebusites, Amorites, Girgashites, |
[YLT] |
and the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgashite, |
[KJV+] |
The Jebusite2983 also, and the Amorite0567, and the Girgashite1622, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:15 |
[和合] |
希未人、亚基人、西尼人、 |
[和合+] |
希未人2340、亚基人6208、西尼人5513、 |
[当代] |
希未人、亚基人、西尼人、 |
[新译] |
希未人、亚基人、西尼人、 |
[钦定] |
希未人、亚基人、西尼人、 |
[NIV] |
Hivites, Arkites, Sinites, |
[YLT] |
and the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite, |
[KJV+] |
And the Hivite2340, and the Arkite6208, and the Sinite5513, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:16 |
[和合] |
亚瓦底人、洗玛利人、并哈马人。 |
[和合+] |
亚瓦底人0721、洗玛利人6786,并哈马人2577。 |
[当代] |
亚瓦底人、洗玛利人,和哈马人的祖先。 |
[新译] |
亚瓦底人、洗玛利人和哈马人。 |
[钦定] |
亚瓦底人、洗玛利人,并哈马人。 |
[NIV] |
Arvadites, Zemarites and Hamathites. The Semites |
[YLT] |
and the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite. |
[KJV+] |
And the Arvadite0721, and the Zemarite6786, and the Hamathite2577. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:17 |
[和合] |
7闪的儿子是以拦、亚述、亚法撒、路德、亚兰、乌斯、户勒、基帖、米设(“米设”创世记十章二十三节作“玛施”)。 |
[和合+] |
闪8035的儿子1121是以拦5867、亚述0804、亚法撒0775、路德3865、亚兰0758、乌斯5780、户勒2343、基帖1666、米设4902(创十23作玛施)。 |
[当代] |
闪的后代有以拦人、亚述人、亚法撒人、路德人、亚兰人、乌斯人、户勒人、基帖人、玛施人。 |
[新译] |
闪的儿子是以拦、亚述、亚法撒、路德、亚兰;亚兰的儿子是乌斯、户勒、基帖、米设。 |
[钦定] |
闪的众子是以拦、亚述、亚法撒、路德、亚兰、乌斯、户勒、基帖、玛施。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Shem: Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram. The sons of Aram : Uz, Hul, Gether and Meshech. |
[YLT] |
Sons of Shem: Elam and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, and Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Meshech. |
[KJV+] |
The sons1121 of Shem8035; Elam5867, and Asshur0804, and Arphaxad0775, and Lud3865, and Aram0758, and Uz5780, and Hul2343, and Gether1666, and Meshech4902. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:18 |
[和合] |
亚法撒生沙拉;沙拉生希伯 |
[和合+] |
亚法撒0775生3205沙拉7974;沙拉7974生3205希伯5677。 |
[当代] |
亚法撒生沙拉;沙拉生希伯。 |
[新译] |
亚法撒生沙拉,沙拉生希伯。 |
[钦定] |
亚法撒生沙拉,沙拉生希伯。 |
[NIV] |
Arphaxad was the father of Shelah, and Shelah the father of Eber. |
[YLT] |
And Arphaxad begat Shelah, and Shelah begat Eber. |
[KJV+] |
And Arphaxad0775 begat3205 Shelah7974, and Shelah7974 begat3205 Eber5677. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:19 |
[和合] |
希伯生了两个儿子:一个名叫法勒(“法勒”就是“分”的意思),因为那时人就分地居住;法勒的兄弟名叫约坍 |
[和合+] |
希伯5677生了3205两个8147儿子1121:一个0259名叫8034法勒6389(就是分的意思),因为那时3117人就分6385地0776居住;法勒的兄弟0251名叫8034约坍3355。 |
[当代] |
希伯有两个儿子:一个名叫法勒,因为在他的时代世人分散各地;另一个名叫约坍。 |
[新译] |
希伯生了两个儿子,一个名叫法勒,因为他在世的时候,世人就分散各地;法勒的兄弟名叫约坍。 |
[钦定] |
希伯生了两个儿子:一个名叫法勒,因为那时人就分地居住,他弟兄名字叫约坍。 |
[NIV] |
Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan. |
[YLT] |
And to Eber have been born two sons, the name of the one [is] Peleg, for in his days hath the land been divided, and the name of his brother is Joktan. |
[KJV+] |
And unto Eber5677 were born3205 two8147 sons1121: the name8034 of the one0259 {was} Peleg6389; because in his days3117 the earth0776 was divided6385: and his brother's0251 name8034 {was} Joktan3355. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:20 |
[和合] |
约坍生亚摩答、沙列、哈萨玛非、耶拉 |
[和合+] |
约坍3355生3205亚摩答0486、沙列8026、哈萨玛非2700、耶拉3392、 |
[当代] |
约坍的后代有亚摩答人、沙列人、哈萨玛非人、耶拉人、 |
[新译] |
约坍生亚摩答、沙列、哈萨玛非、耶拉、 |
[钦定] |
约坍生亚摩答、沙列、哈萨玛非、耶拉、 |
[NIV] |
Joktan was the father of Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, |
[YLT] |
And Joktan begat Almodad, and Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, and Jerah, |
[KJV+] |
And Joktan3355 begat3205 Almodad0486, and Sheleph8026, and Hazarmaveth2700, and Jerah3392, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:21 |
[和合] |
哈多兰、乌萨、德拉 |
[和合+] |
哈多兰1913、乌萨0187、德拉1853、 |
[当代] |
哈多兰人、乌萨人、德拉人、 |
[新译] |
哈多兰、乌萨、德拉、 |
[钦定] |
哈多兰、乌萨、德拉、 |
[NIV] |
Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, |
[YLT] |
and Hadoram, and Uzal, and Diklah, |
[KJV+] |
Hadoram1913 also, and Uzal0187, and Diklah1853, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:22 |
[和合] |
以巴录、亚比玛利、示巴 |
[和合+] |
以巴录5858、亚比玛利0039、示巴7614、 |
[当代] |
俄巴路人、亚比玛利人、示巴人、 |
[新译] |
以巴录、亚比玛利、示巴、 |
[钦定] |
以巴录、亚比玛利、示巴、 |
[NIV] |
Obal, Abimael, Sheba, |
[YLT] |
and Ebal, and Abimael, and Sheba, |
[KJV+] |
And Ebal5858, and Abimael0039, and Sheba7614, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:23 |
[和合] |
阿斐、哈腓拉、约巴,这都是约坍的儿子。 |
[和合+] |
阿斐0211、哈腓拉2341、约巴3103。这都是约坍3355的儿子1121。 |
[当代] |
阿斐人、哈腓拉人、约巴人。 |
[新译] |
阿斐、哈腓拉、约巴。这些人都是约坍的儿子。 |
[钦定] |
阿斐、哈腓拉、约巴。这都是约坍的众子。 |
[NIV] |
Ophir, Havilah and Jobab. All these were sons of Joktan. |
[YLT] |
and Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab; all these [are] sons of Joktan. |
[KJV+] |
And Ophir0211, and Havilah2341, and Jobab3103. All these {were} the sons1121 of Joktan3355. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:24 |
[和合] |
闪生8亚法撒;亚法撒生沙拉 |
[和合+] |
闪8035生亚法撒0775;亚法撒生沙拉7974; |
[当代] |
从闪到亚伯兰的世系如下:闪、亚法撒、沙拉、 |
[新译] |
闪、亚法撒、沙拉、 |
[钦定] |
闪,亚法撒,沙拉, |
[NIV] |
Shem, Arphaxad, Shelah, |
[YLT] |
Shem, Arphaxad, Shelah, |
[KJV+] |
Shem8035, Arphaxad0775, Shelah7974, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:25 |
[和合] |
沙拉生希伯;希伯生法勒;法勒生拉吴 |
[和合+] |
沙拉生希伯5677;希伯生法勒6389;法勒生拉吴7466; |
[当代] |
希伯、法勒、拉吴、 |
[新译] |
希伯、法勒、拉吴、 |
[钦定] |
希伯,法勒,拉吴, |
[NIV] |
Eber, Peleg, Reu, |
[YLT] |
Eber, Peleg, Reu, |
[KJV+] |
Eber5677, Peleg6389, Reu7466, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:26 |
[和合] |
拉吴生西鹿;西鹿生拿鹤;拿鹤生他拉 |
[和合+] |
拉吴生西鹿8286;西鹿生拿鹤5152;拿鹤生他拉8646; |
[当代] |
西鹿、拿鹤、他拉、 |
[新译] |
西鹿、拿鹤、他拉、 |
[钦定] |
西鹿,拿鹤,他拉, |
[NIV] |
Serug, Nahor, Terah |
[YLT] |
Serug, Nahor, Terah, |
[KJV+] |
Serug8286, Nahor5152, Terah8646, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:27 |
[和合] |
他拉生亚伯兰,亚伯兰就是亚伯拉罕。 |
[和合+] |
他拉生亚伯兰0087,亚伯兰就是亚伯拉罕0085。 |
[当代] |
亚伯兰(又名亚伯拉罕)。以实玛利的后代(创25:12-16) |
[新译] |
亚伯兰,亚伯兰就是亚伯拉罕。 |
[钦定] |
亚伯兰,就是亚伯拉罕。 |
[NIV] |
and Abram (that is, Abraham). |
[YLT] |
Abram -- he [is] Abraham. |
[KJV+] |
Abram0087; the same {is} Abraham0085. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:28 |
[和合] |
亚伯拉罕的儿子是9以撒、10以实玛利 |
[和合+] |
亚伯拉罕0085的儿子1121是以撒3327、以实玛利3458。 |
[当代] |
亚伯拉罕有两个儿子─以撒和以实玛利。 |
[新译] |
亚伯拉罕的儿子是以撒和以实玛利。 |
[钦定] |
亚伯拉罕的众子是以撒、以实玛利。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Abraham: Isaac and Ishmael. Descendants of Hagar |
[YLT] |
Sons of Abraham: Isaac and Ishmael. |
[KJV+] |
The sons1121 of Abraham0085; Isaac3327, and Ishmael3458. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:29 |
[和合] |
以实玛利的儿子记在下面:以实玛利的长子是11尼拜约,其次是基达、押德别、米比衫 |
[和合+] |
以实玛利的儿子记在下面:以实玛利3458的长子1060是尼拜约5032,其次是基达6938、押德别0110、米比衫4017、 |
[当代] |
以实玛利的儿子是以下十二部族的酋长:尼拜约(以实玛利的长子)、基达、亚德别、米比衫、 |
[新译] |
以下是他们的后代:以实玛利的长子是尼拜约,他其余的儿子是基达、押德别、米比衫、 |
[钦定] |
这些是他们的家谱:以实玛利的长子是尼拜约,其次是基达、亚德别、米比衫、 |
[NIV] |
These were their descendants: Nebaioth the firstborn of Ishmael, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, |
[YLT] |
These [are] their generations: first-born of Ishmael, Nebaioth, and Kedar, and Adheel, and Mibsam, |
[KJV+] |
These {are} their generations8435: The firstborn1060 of Ishmael3458, Nebaioth5032; then Kedar6938, and Adbeel0110, and Mibsam4017, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:30 |
[和合] |
米施玛、度玛、玛撒、哈达、提玛 |
[和合+] |
米施玛4927、度玛1746、玛撒4854、哈达2301、提玛8485、 |
[当代] |
米施玛、度玛、玛撒、哈达、提玛、 |
[新译] |
米施玛、度玛、玛撒、哈达、提玛、 |
[钦定] |
米施玛、度玛、玛撒、哈大、提玛、 |
[NIV] |
Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, |
[YLT] |
Mishma, and Dumah, Massa, Hadad, and Tema, |
[KJV+] |
Mishma4927, and Dumah1746, Massa4854, Hadad2301, and Tema8485, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:31 |
[和合] |
伊突、拿非施、基底玛,这都是以实玛利的儿子。 |
[和合+] |
伊突3195、拿非施5305、基底玛6929。这都是以实玛利3458的儿子1121。 |
[当代] |
伊突、拿非施、基底玛。 |
[新译] |
伊突、拿非施、基底玛;这些人都是以实玛利的儿子。 |
[钦定] |
伊突、拿非施、基底玛。这都是以实玛利的众子。 |
[NIV] |
Jetur, Naphish and Kedemah. These were the sons of Ishmael. Descendants of Keturah |
[YLT] |
Jetur, Naphish, and Kedema. These are sons of Ishmael. |
[KJV+] |
Jetur3195, Naphish5305, and Kedemah6929. These are the sons1121 of Ishmael3458. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:32 |
[和合] |
亚伯拉罕的妾12基土拉所生的儿子,就是心兰、约珊、米但、米甸、伊施巴、书亚。约珊的儿子是示巴、底但 |
[和合+] |
亚伯拉罕0085的妾6370基土拉6989所生的3205儿子1121,就是心兰2175、约珊3370、米但4091、米甸4080、伊施巴3435、书亚7744。约珊3370的儿子1121是示巴7614、底但1719。 |
[当代] |
亚伯拉罕的妾基土拉为他生了六个儿子─心兰、约珊、米但、米甸、伊施巴、书亚。约珊有两个儿子─示巴和底但。 |
[新译] |
亚伯拉罕的妾基土拉所生的儿子,就是心兰、约珊、米但、米甸、伊施巴、书亚。约珊的儿子是示巴和底但。 |
[钦定] |
亚伯拉罕的妾基土拉所生的儿子,就是心兰、约珊、米但、米甸、伊施巴、书亚。约珊的众子是示巴、底但。 |
[NIV] |
The sons born to Keturah, Abraham's concubine: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah. The sons of Jokshan: Sheba and Dedan. |
[YLT] |
And sons of Keturah, Abraham`s concubine: she bare Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. And sons of Jokshan: Sheba and Dedan. |
[KJV+] |
Now the sons1121 of Keturah6989, Abraham's0085 concubine6370: she bare3205 Zimran2175, and Jokshan3370, and Medan4091, and Midian4080, and Ishbak3435, and Shuah7744. And the sons1121 of Jokshan3370; Sheba7614, and Dedan1719. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:33 |
[和合] |
米甸的儿子是以法、以弗、哈诺、亚比大、以勒大,这都是基土拉的子孙。 |
[和合+] |
米甸4080的儿子1121是以法5891、以弗6081、哈诺2585、亚比大0028、以勒大0420。这都是基土拉6989的子孙1121。 |
[当代] |
米甸有五个儿子─以法、以弗、哈诺、亚比大、以勒大。以扫的后代(创36:1-19) |
[新译] |
米甸的儿子是以法、以弗、哈诺、亚比大、以勒大。这些人都是基土拉的子孙。 |
[钦定] |
米甸的众子是以法、以弗、哈诺、亚比大、以勒大。这都是基土拉的众子。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Midian: Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida and Eldaah. All these were descendants of Keturah. Descendants of Sarah |
[YLT] |
And sons of Midian: Ephah and Epher, and Henoch, and Abida, and Eldaah; all these [are] sons of Keturah. |
[KJV+] |
And the sons1121 of Midian4080; Ephah5891, and Epher6081, and Henoch2585, and Abida0028, and Eldaah0420. All these {are} the sons1121 of Keturah6989. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:34 |
[和合] |
亚伯拉罕生以撒;以撒的儿子是13以扫和14以色列 |
[和合+] |
亚伯拉罕0085生3205以撒3327;以撒3327的儿子1121是以扫6215和以色列3478。 |
[当代] |
亚伯拉罕的儿子以撒有两个儿子─以扫和雅各。 |
[新译] |
亚伯拉罕生以撒。以撒的儿子是以扫和以色列。 |
[钦定] |
亚伯拉罕生以撒,以撒的众子是以扫和以色列。 |
[NIV] |
Abraham was the father of Isaac. The sons of Isaac: Esau and Israel. |
[YLT] |
And Abraham begetteth Isaac. Sons of Isaac: Esau and Israel. |
[KJV+] |
And Abraham0085 begat3205 Isaac3327. The sons1121 of Isaac3327; Esau6215 and Israel3478. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:35 |
[和合] |
以扫的儿子是15以利法、流珥、耶乌施、雅兰、可拉 |
[和合+] |
以扫6215的儿子1121是以利法0464、流珥7467、耶乌施3266、雅兰3281、可拉7141。 |
[当代] |
以扫的儿子是以利法、流珥、耶乌施、雅兰、可拉。 |
[新译] |
以扫的儿子是以利法、流珥、耶乌施、雅兰和可拉。 |
[钦定] |
以扫的众子是以利法、流珥、耶乌施、雅兰、可拉。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Esau: Eliphaz, Reuel, Jeush, Jalam and Korah. |
[YLT] |
Sons of Esau: Eliphaz, Reuel, and Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah. |
[KJV+] |
The sons1121 of Esau6215; Eliphaz0464, Reuel7467, and Jeush3266, and Jaalam3281, and Korah7141. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:36 |
[和合] |
以利法的儿子是提幔、阿抹、洗玻、迦坦、基纳斯、亭纳、亚玛力 |
[和合+] |
以利法0464的儿子1121是提幔8487、阿抹0201、洗玻6825、迦坦1609、基纳斯7073、亭纳8555、亚玛力6002。 |
[当代] |
以利法是提幔、阿抹、洗玻、迦坦、基纳斯、亭纳、亚玛力各部族的祖先。 |
[新译] |
以利法的儿子是提幔、阿抹、洗玻、迦坦、基纳斯、亭纳和亚玛力。 |
[钦定] |
以利法的众子是提幔、阿抹、洗玻、迦坦、基纳斯、亭纳、亚玛力。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Eliphaz: Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam and Kenaz; by Timna: Amalek. |
[YLT] |
Sons of Eliphaz: Teman, and Omar, Zephi, and Gatam, Kenaz, and Timna, and Amalek. |
[KJV+] |
The sons1121 of Eliphaz0464; Teman8487, and Omar0201, Zephi6825, and Gatam1609, Kenaz7073, and Timna8555, and Amalek6002. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:37 |
[和合] |
流珥的儿子是拿哈、谢拉、沙玛、米撒。 |
[和合+] |
流珥7467的儿子1121是拿哈5184、谢拉2226、沙玛8048、米撒4199。 |
[当代] |
流珥是拿哈、谢拉、沙玛、米撒各部族的祖先。西珥的后代(创36:20-30) |
[新译] |
流珥的儿子是拿哈、谢拉、沙玛和米撒。 |
[钦定] |
流珥的众子是拿哈、谢拉、沙玛、米撒。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Reuel: Nahath, Zerah, Shammah and Mizzah. The People of Seir in Edom |
[YLT] |
Sons of Reuel: Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah. |
[KJV+] |
The sons1121 of Reuel7467; Nahath5184, Zerah2226, Shammah8048, and Mizzah4199. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:38 |
[和合] |
16西珥的儿子是罗坍、朔巴、祭便、亚拿、底顺、以察、底珊 |
[和合+] |
西珥8165的儿子1121是罗坍3877、朔巴7732、祭便6649、亚拿6034、底顺1787、以察0687、底珊1789。 |
[当代] |
以东地区的原先住民是西珥儿子们的后代:罗坍─何利和希幔两宗族的祖先。罗坍有一个妹妹叫亭纳。朔巴─亚勒文、玛拿辖、以巴录、示玻、阿南等宗族的祖先。祭便有两个儿子─亚雅和亚拿。亚拿是底顺的父亲;底顺是欣但、伊是班、益兰、基兰等宗族的祖先。以察─辟罕、撒番、亚干等宗族的祖先。底珊─乌斯和亚兰两宗族的祖先。 |
[新译] |
西珥的儿子是罗坍、朔巴、祭便、亚拿、底顺、以察和底珊。 |
[钦定] |
西珥的众子是罗坍、朔巴、祭便、亚拿、底顺、以察、底珊。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Seir: Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah, Dishon, Ezer and Dishan. |
[YLT] |
And sons of Seir: Lotan, and Shobal, and Zibeon, and Anah, and Dishon, and Ezar, and Dishan. |
[KJV+] |
And the sons1121 of Seir8165; Lotan3877, and Shobal7732, and Zibeon6649, and Anah6034, and Dishon1787, and Ezer0687, and Dishan1789. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:39 |
[和合] |
罗坍的儿子是何利、荷幔;罗坍的妹子是亭纳 |
[和合+] |
罗坍3877的儿子1121是何利2753、荷幔1950;罗坍3877的妹子0269是亭纳8555。 |
[当代] |
并于上节 |
[新译] |
罗坍的儿子是何利、荷幔;罗坍的妹妹是亭纳。 |
[钦定] |
罗坍的众子是何利、荷幔,罗坍的姐妹是亭纳。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Lotan: Hori and Homam. Timna was Lotan's sister. |
[YLT] |
And sons of Lotan: Hori and Homam, and sister of Lotan [is] Timna. |
[KJV+] |
And the sons1121 of Lotan3877; Hori2753, and Homam1950: and Timna8555 {was} Lotan's3877 sister0269. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:40 |
[和合] |
朔巴的儿子是亚勒文、玛拿辖、以巴录、示非、阿南。祭便的儿子是亚雅、亚拿 |
[和合+] |
朔巴7732的儿子1121是亚勒文5935、玛拿辖4506、以巴录5858、示非8195、阿南0208。祭便6649的儿子1121是亚雅0345、亚拿6034。 |
[当代] |
并于上节 |
[新译] |
朔巴的儿子是亚勒、玛拿辖、以巴录、示非和阿南。祭便的儿子是亚雅和亚拿。 |
[钦定] |
朔巴的众子是亚勒文、玛拿辖、以巴录、示非、阿南。祭便的众子是亚雅、亚拿。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Shobal: Alvan, Manahath, Ebal, Shepho and Onam. The sons of Zibeon: Aiah and Anah. |
[YLT] |
Sons of Shobal: Alian, and Manahath, and Ebal, Shephi, and Onam. And sons of Zideon: Aiah and Anah. |
[KJV+] |
The sons1121 of Shobal7732; Alian5935, and Manahath4506, and Ebal5858, Shephi8195, and Onam0208. And the sons1121 of Zibeon6649; Aiah0345, and Anah6034. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:41 |
[和合] |
亚拿的儿子是底顺。底顺的儿子是哈默兰、伊是班、益兰、基兰 |
[和合+] |
亚拿6034的儿子1121是底顺1787。底顺1787的儿子1121是哈默兰2566、伊是班0790、益兰3506、基兰3763。 |
[当代] |
并于上节 |
[新译] |
亚拿的儿子是底顺。底顺的儿子是哈默兰、伊是班、益兰和基兰。 |
[钦定] |
亚拿的众子是底顺。底顺的众子是哈默兰、伊是班、益兰、基兰。 |
[NIV] |
The son of Anah: Dishon. The sons of Dishon: Hemdan, Eshban, Ithran and Keran. |
[YLT] |
The sons of Anah: Dishon. and sons of Dishon: Amram, and Eshban, and Ithran, and Cheran. |
[KJV+] |
The sons1121 of Anah6034; Dishon1787. And the sons1121 of Dishon1787; Amram2566, and Eshban0790, and Ithran3506, and Cheran3763. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:42 |
[和合] |
以察的儿子是辟罕、撒番、亚干。底珊的儿子是乌斯、亚兰。 |
[和合+] |
以察0687的儿子1121是辟罕1092、撒番2190、亚干3292。底珊1789的儿子1121是乌斯5780、亚兰0765。 |
[当代] |
并于上节以东诸王(创36:31-43) |
[新译] |
以察的儿子是辟罕、撒番、耶亚干。底珊的儿子是乌斯和亚兰。 |
[钦定] |
以察的众子是辟罕、撒番、亚干。底珊的众子是乌斯、亚兰。 |
[NIV] |
The sons of Ezer: Bilhan, Zaavan and Akan. The sons of Dishan : Uz and Aran. The Rulers of Edom |
[YLT] |
Sons of Ezer: Bilhan, and Zavan, Jakan. Sons of Dishan: Uz and Aran. |
[KJV+] |
The sons1121 of Ezer0687; Bilhan1092, and Zavan2190, {and} Jakan3292. The sons1121 of Dishan1789; Uz5780, and Aran0765. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:43 |
[和合] |
以色列人未有君王治理之先、在以东地作17王的记在下面:有比珥的儿子比拉,他的京城名叫亭哈巴 |
[和合+] |
以色列3478人1121未有君王4428治理4427之先,在以东0123地0776作王4428的记在下面:有比珥1160的儿子1121比拉1106,他的京城5892名叫8034亭哈巴1838。 |
[当代] |
以色列没有君王以前,下列诸王相继统治以东:亭哈巴人比珥的儿子比拉、波斯拉人谢拉的儿子约巴、提幔地区的户珊、亚未得人比达的儿子哈达(他在摩押战役击败了米甸人)、玛士利加人桑拉、大河边的利河伯人少罗、亚革波的儿子巴勒‧哈南、巴乌人哈达(他的妻子米希她别是玛特列的女儿─米‧萨合的孙女)。 |
[新译] |
以色列人没有君王统治的时候,在以东地作王的有以下这些人:比珥的儿子比拉,他的京城名叫亭哈巴。 |
[钦定] |
以色列儿女还没有君王统治以前,统治以东地作王的记在下面:有比珥的儿子比拉,他的城名叫亭哈巴。 |
[NIV] |
These were the kings who reigned in Edom before any Israelite king reigned : Bela son of Beor, whose city was named Dinhabah. |
[YLT] |
And these [are] the kings who reigned in the land of Edom before the reigning of a king of the sons of Israel: Bela son of Beor, and the name of his city [is] Dinhabah. |
[KJV+] |
Now these {are} the kings4428 that reigned4427 in the land0776 of Edom0123 before6440 {any} king4428 reigned4427 over the children1121 of Israel3478; Bela1106 the son1121 of Beor1160: and the name8034 of his city5892 {was} Dinhabah1838. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:44 |
[和合] |
比拉死了,18波斯拉人谢拉的儿子约巴接续他作王。 |
[和合+] |
比拉1106死了4191,波斯拉人1224谢拉2226的儿子1121约巴3103接续他作王4427。 |
[当代] |
并于上节 |
[新译] |
比拉死了,波斯拉人谢拉的儿子约巴接续他作王。 |
[钦定] |
比拉死了,波斯拉人谢拉的儿子约巴接替他统治。 |
[NIV] |
When Bela died, Jobab son of Zerah from Bozrah succeeded him as king. |
[YLT] |
And Bela dieth, and reign in his stead doth Jobab son of Zerah from Bozrali; |
[KJV+] |
And when Bela1106 was dead4191, Jobab3103 the son1121 of Zerah2226 of Bozrah1224 reigned4427 in his stead. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:45 |
[和合] |
约巴死了,19提幔地的人户珊接续他作王。 |
[和合+] |
约巴3103死了4191,提幔8489地0776的人户珊2367接续他作王4427。 |
[当代] |
并于上节 |
[新译] |
约巴死了,来自提幔地的户珊接续他作王。 |
[钦定] |
约巴死了,提幔地的人户珊接替他统治。 |
[NIV] |
When Jobab died, Husham from the land of the Temanites succeeded him as king. |
[YLT] |
and Jobab dieth, and reign in his stead doth Husham from the land of the Temanite; |
[KJV+] |
And when Jobab3103 was dead4191, Husham2367 of the land0776 of the Temanites8489 reigned4427 in his stead. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:46 |
[和合] |
户珊死了,比达的儿子哈达接续他作王。这哈达就是在摩押地杀败米甸人的,他的京城名叫亚未得 |
[和合+] |
户珊2367死了4191,比达0911的儿子1121哈达1908接续他作王4427。这哈达就是在摩押4124地7704杀败5221米甸人4080的,他的京城5892名叫8034亚未得5762。 |
[当代] |
并于上节 |
[新译] |
户珊死了,比达的儿子哈达接续他作王;这哈达就是在摩押的田野击败了米甸人的,他的京城名叫亚未得。 |
[钦定] |
户珊死了,比达的儿子哈大接替他统治。这哈达就是在摩押地杀败米甸人的,他的城名叫亚未得。 |
[NIV] |
When Husham died, Hadad son of Bedad, who defeated Midian in the country of Moab, succeeded him as king. His city was named Avith. |
[YLT] |
and Husham dieth, and reign in his stead doth Hadad, son of Bedad (who smiteth Midian in the field of Moab) and the name of his city [is] Avith; |
[KJV+] |
And when Husham2367 was dead4191, Hadad1908 the son1121 of Bedad0911, which smote5221 Midian4080 in the field7704 of Moab4124, reigned4427 in his stead: and the name8034 of his city5892 {was} Avith5762. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:47 |
[和合] |
哈达死了,玛士利加人桑拉接续他作王。 |
[和合+] |
哈达1908死了4191,玛士利加人4957桑拉8072接续他作王4427。 |
[当代] |
并于上节 |
[新译] |
哈达死了,玛士利加人桑拉接续他作王。 |
[钦定] |
哈大死了,玛士利加人桑拉接替他统治。 |
[NIV] |
When Hadad died, Samlah from Masrekah succeeded him as king. |
[YLT] |
and Hadad dieth, and reign in his stead doth Samlah from Masrekah; |
[KJV+] |
And when Hadad1908 was dead4191, Samlah8072 of Masrekah4957 reigned4427 in his stead. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:48 |
[和合] |
桑拉死了,大河边的利河伯人扫罗接续他作王。 |
[和合+] |
桑拉8072死了4191,大河5104边的利河伯人7344扫罗7586接续他作王4427。 |
[当代] |
并于上节 |
[新译] |
桑拉死了,来自幼发拉底河旁边的利河伯的扫罗接续他作王。 |
[钦定] |
桑拉死了,大河边的利河伯人扫罗接替他统治。 |
[NIV] |
When Samlah died, Shaul from Rehoboth on the river succeeded him as king. |
[YLT] |
and Samlah dieth, and reign in his stead doth Shaul from Rehoboth of the River; |
[KJV+] |
And when Samlah8072 was dead4191, Shaul7586 of Rehoboth7344 by the river5104 reigned4427 in his stead. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:49 |
[和合] |
扫罗死了,亚革波的儿子巴勒哈南接续他作王。 |
[和合+] |
扫罗7586死了4191,亚革波5907的儿子1121巴勒哈南1177接续他作王4427。 |
[当代] |
并于上节 |
[新译] |
扫罗死了,亚革波的儿子巴勒.哈南接续他作王。 |
[钦定] |
扫罗死了,亚革波的儿子巴勒哈南接替他统治。 |
[NIV] |
When Shaul died, Baal-Hanan son of Acbor succeeded him as king. |
[YLT] |
and Shaul dieth, and reign in his stead doth Baal-Hanan son of Achbor; |
[KJV+] |
And when Shaul7586 was dead4191, Baalhanan1177 the son1121 of Achbor5907 reigned4427 in his stead. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:50 |
[和合] |
巴勒哈南死了,哈达接续他作王。他的京城名叫巴伊,他的妻子名叫米希他别,是米萨合的孙女,玛特列的女儿。 |
[和合+] |
巴勒哈南1177死了4191,哈达1908接续他作王4427。他的京城5892名叫8034巴伊6464,他的妻子0802名叫8034米希他别4105,是米萨合4314的孙女1323,玛特列4308的女儿1323。 |
[当代] |
并于上节 |
[新译] |
巴勒.哈南死了,哈达接续他作王,他的京城名叫巴伊;他的妻子名叫米希他别,是米.萨合的孙女、玛特列的女儿。 |
[钦定] |
巴勒哈南死了,哈大接替他统治。他的城名叫巴伊,他的妻子名叫米希她别,是玛特列的女儿,米萨合的女儿。 |
[NIV] |
When Baal-Hanan died, Hadad succeeded him as king. His city was named Pau, and his wife's name was Mehetabel daughter of Matred, the daughter of Me-Zahab. |
[YLT] |
and Baal-Hanan dieth, and reign in his stead doth Hadad, and the name of his city [is] Pai, and the name of his wife [is] Mehetabel daughter of Matred, daughter of Me-Zahab; Hadad also dieth. |
[KJV+] |
And when Baalhanan1177 was dead4191, Hadad1908 reigned4427 in his stead: and the name8034 of his city5892 {was} Pai6464; and his wife's0802 name8034 {was} Mehetabel4105, the daughter1323 of Matred4308, the daughter1323 of Mezahab4314. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:51 |
[和合] |
哈达死了,以东人的族长有亭纳族长、亚勒瓦族长、耶帖族长、 |
[和合+] |
哈达1908死了4191,以东人0123的族长0441有亭纳8555族长0441、亚勒瓦5933族长0441、耶帖3509族长0441、 |
[当代] |
以东各部族的酋长是:亭纳、亚勒瓦、耶帖、 |
[新译] |
哈达死了,以东人的族长有亭纳族长、亚勒瓦族长、耶帖族长、 |
[钦定] |
哈大死了,以东人的族长有亭纳族长、亚勒瓦族长、耶帖族长、 |
[NIV] |
Hadad also died. The chiefs of Edom were: Timna, Alvah, Jetheth, |
[YLT] |
And chiefs of Edom are: chief Timnah, chief Aliah, chief Jetheth, |
[KJV+] |
Hadad1908 died4191 also. And the dukes0441 of Edom0123 were; duke0441 Timnah8555, duke0441 Aliah5933, duke0441 Jetheth3509, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:52 |
[和合] |
亚何利巴玛族长、以拉族长、比嫩族长、 |
[和合+] |
亚何利巴玛0173族长0441、以拉0425族长0441、比嫩6373族长0441、 |
[当代] |
阿何利巴玛、以拉、比嫩、 |
[新译] |
阿何利巴玛族长、以拉族长、比嫩族长、 |
[钦定] |
阿何利巴玛族长、以拉族长、比嫩族长、 |
[NIV] |
Oholibamah, Elah, Pinon, |
[YLT] |
chief Aholibamah, chief Elah, chief Pinon, |
[KJV+] |
Duke0441 Aholibamah0173, duke0441 Elah0425, duke0441 Pinon6373, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:53 |
[和合] |
基纳斯族长、提幔族长、米比萨族长、 |
[和合+] |
基纳斯7073族长0441、提幔8487族长0441、米比萨4014族长0441、 |
[当代] |
基纳斯、提幔、米比萨、 |
[新译] |
基纳斯族长、提幔族长、米比萨族长、 |
[钦定] |
基纳斯族长、提幔族长、米比萨族长、 |
[NIV] |
Kenaz, Teman, Mibzar, |
[YLT] |
chief Kenaz, chief Teman, chief Mibzar, |
[KJV+] |
Duke0441 Kenaz7073, duke0441 Teman8487, duke0441 Mibzar4014, |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |
1:54 |
[和合] |
玛基叠族长、以兰族长,这都是以东人的族长。 |
[和合+] |
玛基叠4025族长0441、以兰5902族长0441。这都是以东人0123的族长0441。 |
[当代] |
玛基叠、以兰。 |
[新译] |
玛基叠族长、以兰族长,这些人都是以东的族长。 |
[钦定] |
玛基叠族长、以兰族长。这些是以东人的众族长。 |
[NIV] |
Magdiel and Iram. These were the chiefs of Edom. |
[YLT] |
chief Magdiel, chief Iram. These [are] chiefs of Edom. |
[KJV+] |
Duke0441 Magdiel4025, duke0441 Iram5902. These {are} the dukes0441 of Edom0123. |
[工具] |
Lexicon 原文词典 | Interlinear 行间翻译 | Hebrew Text Analysis 希伯来文本分析 | Strong 原文词典 | Commentaries 圣经注释 |