490 Antiocheia {an-tee-okh'-i-ah} 源自 Antiochus (一名叙利亚王); 专有地名 AV - Antioch 18; 18 安提阿 = '与之抗衡" 1) 叙利亚最大城,亦为西流基帝国的首都,位于Orontes河,为Seleucus Nicanor所 建,为纪念其父Antiochus而取名为安提阿.很多希腊化的犹太人住在那里.是该城 信徒首先被称为"基督徒". 2) 彼西底的一座城,隶属加拉太省,是南加拉太的行政中心,保罗曾数次拜访该城. |
00490 Ἀντιόχεια, ας, ἡ 地名 「安提阿」。
一、在俄伦提士的 安提阿,是叙利亚最大的城市,古罗马总督之所在。很多犹太人在那里居住。 安提阿教会的起源仅见于 徒11:19-26 。保罗在那里工作, 徒13:1 徒14:26 徒15:22-35 徒18:22 ,并曾与彼得在此争论,加2:11。
二、彼西底的 安提阿,是南加拉太省的首都,保罗去过多次, 徒13:14 徒14:19,21 提后3:11 。* |
490 Antiocheia {an-tee-okh'-i-ah} from Antiochus (a Syrian king);; n pr loc AV - Antioch 18; 18 Antioch = 'driven against" 1) Capital of Syria, situated on the river Orontes, founded by Seleucus Nicanor in 300 B.C. and named in honour of his father, Antiochus. Many Greek-Jews lived there and it was here that the followers of Christ were first called Christians. 2) A city in Pisidia on the borders Phrygia, founded by Seleucus Nicanor. Under the Romans it became a "colonia" and was also called Caesarea |