5684 עַבְרֹנָה `Ebronah {eb-raw-naw'}源自 05683; 阴性地名专有名词AV - Ebronah 2; 2 阿博拿 = "通路" 1) 以色列人在旷野中, 到以旬迦别之前一站( 民33:34-35 ) |
05684 <音译> `Ebronah <词类> 名、专、阴 <字义> 通过 <字源> SH5683之阴性 <神出> 民33:34 <译词> 阿博拿2 (2) <解释> |
05684 `Ebronah {eb-raw-naw'} from 05683;; n pr f loc AV - Ebronah 2; 2 Ebronah = "passage" 1) one of the stations of the Israelites in the wilderness immediately preceding Ezion-geber |
Text: feminine of 5683; Ebronah, place in the Desert:
KJV --Ebronah.