1276 בֵּרִים Beriy {be:-ri:'}字源不详; 形容词 钦定本 - Berites 1; 1 比利人 = "我的井" 1) 一个按照亚伯和伯玛迦而命名的种族, 显然是应该在巴勒斯坦的北部 ( 撒下20:14 ) |
01276 <音译>Beriy <词类>形 <字义>比利人 <字源>属未定引申语(只用复数且带冠词) <神出> 撒下20:14 <译词>比利人1 (1)
01276 Beriy {bay-ree'} of uncertain derivation;; adj AV - Berites 1; 1 Berites = "my well: of the well" 1) a tribe who are named with Abel and Beth-maachah, and who were therefore doubtless situated in the north of Palestine |
Text: of uncertain derivation; (only in the plural and with the article) the Berites, a place in Palestine: